Importance of consultant expert reports in Fraud Risk Examination?

Fraud is any intentional act or omission intended to deceive others, leading to loss of the victim and/or the perpetrator to make a gain. Regardless of culture, race, religion or any other factors, some individuals will be motivated to commit fraud.
All organizations are subject to fraud risks. Large frauds have led to the downfall of entire establishments, significant investment losses, significant legal costs, the imprisonment of key individuals, and the erosion of confidence in the capital markets. The fraudulent behavior published by senior executives has negatively affected the reputation, brands and images of many organizations around the world.
Fraud exists at different levels in every business
Fraud risk is measured in terms of 'consequence and probability'. Some risks will be accepted, unacceptable risks will be dealt with, but in order to assess risks, they must be identified,
We will work with company administration to:
- Reduce the chance of fraud by increasing employee awareness
- Increase the risk of detection through fraud prevention strategies
Accordingly, we at Al KHADER & CO assist you in auditing and submitting a consultant expert’s report on the fraud that occurred in your company and clarifying the shortcomings in the financial administration to avoid any attempt to happen again, we also provide you with all the consultations that upgrades the company’s financial administration.