We are one of the leading liquidators in Dubai with a wide experience in the field. We have done a lot of business liquidations in the past, guiding business people step-by-step with the company liquidation process.

We have an in-house liquidator regulated by the Courts in Dubai, UAE and the DIFC authorities in Dubai. The liquidation and deregistration of company proceedings, especially the physical part, can be very complicated and lengthy. We at FAR – Farhat Office & Co. can deregister your company in a smooth manner within a short period of time.


Liquidation and Deregistration of Company

There are cases that companies are not anymore functionable or there is simply a mutual agreement that it should be the end of a certain business. If your organization is in situation like this, it can be expected that it’s going to be a dissolved company in the near future.

There are a couple of other names that liquidation is known for, such as winding-up or dissolution (which is the final step of the process) or deregistration.

Tell-tale early warning signs of insolvency in business can be noticed by anyone, especially the employees themselves. Sometimes it lurks around the building itself or it is obviously seen in the financial statements or records of the organization. Having not enough funds to carry on with the day-to-day transactions of a firm, or failure in paying creditors with overdue debts, or a serious offense that has been done by the side of the company are some of the major causes for a close of business or for shareholders or the owner himself to decide to go with a liquidation.

Liquidation of company is a process, perhaps a long one if not handled by an agent. Within this process, the company’s affairs are finalized, which means there is a liquidation stock or the assets are sold or fairly distributed to the creditors and shareholders and past actions are investigated.

According to the commercial law of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), liquidation of company should be done or the company can or must be liquidated and deregistered (company deregistration in Dubai) in the following cases (one case only is enough):

  • If the majority of the shareholders decide to liquidate the company
  • If the company suffers insolvency, which causes accumulated loss that is greater than half of the authorized capital
  • If there is a court ruling to dissolve and liquidate the company
  • Voluntary liquidation can also happen if a vital member of the organization exits the company and the shareholders decide not to continue operations

A close of business can be caused by various factors, but it is certain that it is not indeed an easy task, that is why it is best be done with specialists in the field.